- By-Law 16-2018 Govern Organization of the Municipality & Committees
- By-Law 3-2019 Establishing Rate of Taxation for 2019
- By-Law 4-2019 Centra Gas MB Supply of Natural Gas
- By-Law 55 Zoning By-Law 1896 Amendment
- By-Law 10-2015 Fire By-Law
- By-Law 2-2019 Water By-Law
- By-Law 1-2019 Cancel Special Service By-Law No. 6-2018
- By-Law 15-2018 Fixing Remuneration of Members of Council
- By-Law 2-2019 Utility Rate Study
- By-Law 3-2020 Establishing Rate of Taxation for 2020
- By-Law 4-2020 Establishing Council Code of Conduct
- By-Law 8-2018 Establishing Rate of Taxation for 2018
- By-Law 9-2018 Closing Municipal Roads
- By-Law 1-2020 Special Service Dust Control 2020-2022
- By-Law 10-2018 Controlling Alarm Systems & False Alarms
- By-Law 14-2018 Regulate Proceedings & Conduct of Council
- By-Law 12-2023 Transfer Station Fees
- By-Law 3-2024 Establishing Rate of Taxation for 2024
- By-Law 9-2021 Animal Control
- By-Law 1-2024 Waste & Recycling Special Service By-Law